12 by 16 Oil Paintings for Sale
Oil Paintings on 12" by 16" Canvas
These paintings are painted in oils on a 12 inch by 16 inch stretched canvas. If you wish to purchase one of these paintings, please note the item number under the painting, and send me a request via the Contact Me form. These paintings are priced at $45 plus shipping.
1216SC105 - Tuscon | 1216SC103 |
1216SC001 | 1216SC002 |
1216SC003 | 1216SC005 |
1216SC006 | 1216SC008 |
1216011 | 1216012 |
1216SC013 | 1216SC014 |
1216SC015 | 1216SC016
1216SC017 | 1216SC018 |
216SC019 | 1216SC020
1216SC021 | 1216SC022 |
1216SC023 | 1216SC027 |
1216SC104 | 1216SC102 |
1216SC101 | 1216SC100 |